
Benefits of Apartment Vs. House Living

Benefits of Apartment Vs. House Living

The apartment vs. house living debate has been ongoing for a long. When seeking new places to rent or buy, getting the right property can be quite tricky. Seldom, it tough to decide whether you need a house or an apartment. There are many factors that you should take into consideration to know which one suits your budget and preferences. Following, we analyzed apartment vs. house living to know the benefits of both types of properties.


Although there are numerous advantages to getting an apartment, most luxury apartment complexes in Pakistan do not offer the basic or luxury facilities, required for comfortable living. As apartment living is becoming more popular over time, investors have begun to include luxury amenities. These include swimming pools, parking facilities, and gymnasiums in some high-end apartment projects.

But, if you are in search of a personal driveway or a backyard garden for a plantation, there’s bad news. Apartments do not offer the convenience to own lush green lawns and garages. If you do not have too much space to create a large garden, you can set up a vertical one. So that you can utilize your living space. In other words, invest in a house if you want to have your own garage or build your personal swimming pool inside your home.

Living Space

Naturally, living in a house gives you access to much more space than compared to a flat. Even if you move into a small house, you have the opportunity of enjoying more living space and apparently more bedrooms. Nonetheless, it could also mean higher utility bills and higher maintenance costs. If you are looking forward to getting an apartment or a house for multiple people, it makes sense to invest in a house.


Another factor to consider when evaluating apartment vs. house living is the privacy each type of property offers. Apartments are comparatively cheaper to rent or buy. However, most apartment complexes fail to provide private homeowners to seek out their living space. That is one of the most common reasons why customers prefer opting for a house over an apartment. While apartment complexes make certain, apartment residents are able to enjoy as much privacy as possible, sharing walls and common spaces such as parking with your neighbors is not quite a pleasant experience.


Typically, apartments are found in commercial areas or places that are well-connected to nearby basic amenities. But, they are also available in neighborhoods that are not within walking distance of public transport.

Nevertheless, a lot depends on the area in which you prefer to purchase your property. Just make sure the house or apartment you rent or buy is close to all basic facilities, including parks, shopping malls schools, and medical facilities.


Although the type of neighbors you are anticipated to find mainly depends on your location, it is true that your neighbors can be less interfering if you reside in a house.

It is common for apartment owners to over-hear their neighbors’ arguments or conversations. Still, that can also be a problem in close-knitted houses. So, if you favor living in an apartment, try getting apartments that have installed soundproofing options such as noise-blocking windows and doors to cut down as much noise as possible.

Weigh your Options

When making a decision regarding getting an apartment vs a house, you must weigh the advantages and disadvantages of dwelling in both types of properties. But, it all comes down to your resources, the size of your family, and your preferences when picking an apartment over a house.

But if you observe closely, the real difference between living in a house or an apartment boils down to two factors: price and privacy. Buyers prefer renting or buying out an apartment because they have to pay less amount upfront. But as we discussed above, living in an apartment might not give you the privacy and features you can enjoy while living in a house.