Despite the greatest efforts to maintain a cordial relationship with your tenant, sometimes things often go south. Even if you are a great landlord, the possibilities are pretty high of you going through the eviction process for one or more of your tenants.
This can happen due to many reasons. The tenant may not have been paying rent, or the tenant might have been disturbing others, or possibly the tenant has damaged the property. For whatever reason, maybe, make sure that you have followed the proper system to evict a tenant. Read the following blog to find out how you can remove a problematic tenant.
Some of the most basic grounds for eviction include the following reasons:
- Non-payment of rent every month
- violation of the rules and regulations set in the contract
- Sub-letting without approval from the landlord
- Doing damage to the property
- Disregarding the notices sent by the landlord
Decide if you can evict
Most eviction cases frequently stem from the tenant’s inability to pay rent monthly. Though you cannot evict a tenant for giving you a tough time, there are other reasons under which you can quickly evict a tenant such as:
- Overstaying on the property even after the contract has ended.
- Damaging the property.
- Opposing the rules set out in the contract.
Learn the rental act
Be sure you have gone through the many provincial laws that govern the region you have rented your house in. If you have got a place in Punjab, there is Punjab Rented Premises Act 2009. These acts define the clauses under which legal and lawful renting and leasing and eviction are to take place.
Likewise, for Islamabad, we have the Islamabad Rent Restriction Ordinance 2001, while for KPK and Baluchistan, there is The North-West Frontier Province/Baluchistan Urban Rent Restriction Ordinance 1959 and Sindh province is governed under Sindh Rented Premises Ordinance 1979.
These acts outline the requirements to carry out leasing, renting, and the termination of the same as well, therefore, making them relevant documents to consult before initiating an eviction.
Give notice
You are obliged by law to give notice to the tenant before the eviction occurs. Usually, the legal notice period in Pakistan does not vary by provinces and is a standard duration of almost two months. This means notice to vacate and must clearly state your intent to evict the tenant.
File your eviction
Within Pakistan, property courts are normally approached for such matters. You will normally have to submit a fee to begin the process. Once the paperwork has been finished, you will get a hearing date, and the court will then notify the tenant of the same.
Getting ready for court
Before going to the court, be sure you are prepared for the hearing. Gather every documentation that you have. You can also prepare what you will say in front of the judge on the day of the hearing. Do not leave out any details. It is the best idea to go prepared since it will help your case.
Evict the tenant
Once the court case has been decided in your favor, you will be notified of how to remove the tenant. The court will give the tenant a specific time frame to clear out of the property. If the tenant still insists on staying and does not move out, you can get the police to assist in removing him from the premises.